Suzanne Breen

Suzanne is a fully qualified Neurofeedback Therapist and Play Therapist.  Her main work focus for 20 years has been with children and families as a primary school teacher and children’s worker with Women’s Aid.  Together with an honours degree in Psychology, her work has enabled her to specialise in child development and to observe first-hand the various life events which impact children.  More recently she has focused on childhood trauma and its many effects on the individual throughout the lifespan.  Many traumatised children struggle to self-regulate which affects their emotions, behaviours, attention and well-being.  Consequently, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are now well known to be the foundation of many adult problems such as addictions, sleep problems, anti-social behaviour, relationship difficulties, eating disorders to name a few.  It was a desire to help soothe the traumatised young brain, in terms of prevention, that was a main driver behind Suzanne’s career move to neurofeedback therapy.  She has now expanded her neurofeedback practice to include adults; in particular she has worked with adults who have had strokes, or are experiencing anxiety and depression.  In addition, she has successfully treated clients who have been diagnosed ADHD, Autistic, clients with sleep problems, PTSD and those who wish to improve their creative performance.

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Glasgow Clinic1

Suzanne has undertaken basic and advanced training in Neurofeedback.  Advanced neurofeedback training has focused on therapeutic protocols of Synchrony and Alpha-Theta.  Synchrony promotes a state of calm focus and Alpha-Theta allows access to the unconscious to help resolve unprocessed traumas and otherwise inaccessible experiences.  All three protocols (Neurofeedback, Synchrony & Alpha-Theta) are appropriately combined to promote physiological self-regulation.  It is sometimes necessary to integrate other therapies with Neurofeedback; play therapy with younger clients works well with neurofeedback and Suzanne also holds certification in Neuro Linguistic Programming and Advanced Deep Brain Reorienting (DBR), which she uses when appropriate.  Suzanne aims to work holistically and has an intuitive understanding and developed sensitivity which helps her integrate her other experience and knowledge into her sessions.  In addition, Suzanne is currently training in Hypnotherapy with Ali Campbell, and is preparing to introduce this practice to her sessions.

Book An Appointment

Contact Suzanne on 07742 110090 or email